The newest addition to the SeaBuck 7 family is quite the cutie. If you haven't heard, we're having a special offer in Bella's honor for 25% OFF the entire SeaBuck 7 line. Since then, she's insisted we do a spotlight piece on her for all her fans and friends which she estimates to be in the millions!
She's a young bachelorette living and loving the single life, eating cheese and chicken when she pleases. She's a huge fan of our Omega 7 Oil and tells us, "It helps keep my curly fur young and puppy soft. My mom always told me to drink lots of water for healthy skin and a beautiful coat. While that's still great advice, I was introduced to sea buckthorn and it's become my 'secret weapon' when it comes to looking great, nourishing my heart and keeping my body healthy."
Here's Bella's wisdom in our Q&A interview:
SeaBuck 7: "So Bella, What were the first benefits you noticed using the Omega 7 Oil?"
Bella: "Well let me just start by saying, I hate going to the groomers. I hate it like a chew toy that doesn't squeak. Long story short, I won't be so upset on my next trip to the groomers. I've never gotten so many compliments on my coat before! I mean, I knew looked good, but not THAT good. I felt like a canine celebrity. Now I know how Scooby Doo and Lassie feel."
SeaBuck 7: That's great you've had a big improvement in your coat. The high omega 7 levels in our products really help nourish the skin and coat. What do you think about the taste on the Omega 7 Oil? What do you think other dogs will think of it?
Bella: "I'd say the taste will probably go unnoticed 99% of the time. Most of my friends don't even know it's mixed in with their food. Some love it so much they'll eat it right out of their owner's palm. It's great for even the pickiest pets, and believe me, I've got some pretty picky friends."
SeaBuck 7: Great! So all dogs can use the Omega 7 Oil without worrying about a strong or overpowering taste like some supplements available today?
Bella: "Definitely! Try it and see for yourself. You won't be disappointed."
SeaBuck 7: Bella, we have one final question to sum it all up. Why is it important to include clean, high nutrient supplements in your diet?
Bella: Well, Amber, my owner, started a new healthy lifestyle eating more fruits and veggies, adding some superfoods and staying away from "unhealthy" foods. It didn't take long before I could tell her overall health was improving and it got me thinking......what about me? How come I'm only getting the basics, and sometimes even less, while humans all over the world are getting some of the best stuff for their bodies. Are we not a living, breathing part of this life too? Just because we can't speak doesn't mean we're not missing out on essential nutrients that can help us live longer, healthier, and happier lives. More importantly, living longer, healthier and happier lives with YOU!
SeaBuck 7: "You make a good point Bella. Hopefully our interview will help other pet owners out there understand the importance of pet health and how by simply adding some select supplements to their pet's diet can make all the difference. Thanks your time and insight Bella. It's great to hear your point of view and we'll be looking forward to another interview soon."
Bella: "Thanks. It was a pleasure spending time with you guys. SeaBuck 7 Rocks! Oh, and by the way, any fan mail can be sent to I also want to send a special shout-out to my favorite toy beaver provider!
Try SeaBuck 7 Omega 7 Oil and See Why Bella is Such a Huge Fan!
Hurry! Offer expires 7/23/14. Cannot be combined with any other offer.